Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Nature photos


Tourism in Tajikistan

In tourism section Tajikistan has much to offer to the mountaineer, the hiker and the independent traveller in search of remote locations and unusual cultural experiences. There are opportunities for alpine mountaineering, rock climbing, hiking, horse or camel riding, historical exploration, cultural experiences or simply relaxing among dramatic mountains and lakes.

Most enticing for the mountaineer are the three giants of the Pamirs: Peak Somoni, Peak Lenin and Peak Korzhenevskaya. For alpine climbing, high level walking tours and lakeland scenery the Fann mountains, just across the border from Samarkand, are especially popular.

The populated valleys have a rich history. In former times, Tajikistan was at the crossroads of Asia and four major Silk Road routes passed through the Pamir and Fann mountains.

 The mostly visited regions are Dushanbe,the  capital city of Tajikistan ,Sughd,the largest city after Dushanbe and Pamir .

Khujand: http://traveltotajikistan.org/cities-of-tajikistan/khujand
The Pamir Mountain range is part of the Western Himalaya and features several peaks over 7000m. The terrain is diverse from towering peaks to high altitude desert plains and climate conditions can vary from +35C to -40C depending upon the time of year. The Pamir Highway follows paths forged long ago by the ancient Silk routes, when that precious commodity travelled from China to European and Arabian markets and traded goods returned in its stead. Legacies of those forgotten times can still be seen with cliff top fortresses and ancient caravanserais.

The highway winds over 2000km from Samarkand in Uzbekistan through Dushanbe (capital of Tajikistan) and the Pamir mountains to Osh in Kyrgyzstan and then on to Bishkek (capital of Kyrgyzstan) through the Tien Shan mountain range.

The peoples of Central Asia hold hospitality as a value of great importance and travellers are warmly welcomed whether the visit is planned or otherwise!
The highest peak in Pamir is 7495 ,peak Ismoili Somoni ,this peak is the secind highest peak in the world....

National dresses

Here is a sample of tajik dresses for men and women , these dresses mostly weared while celebrating holidays ,especially Nawruz and daily




The major holidays in Tajikistan are religious ones such as Idi sa’idi fitr, Idi Qurban and Navruz, the Muslim New Year, which is celebrated at the spring equinox. It marks new life and new hopes for all who love and celebrate this holiday. Entire villages prepare for this festival, cooking dishes exclusive to this season – the tables full to bursting!
In Idi saidi fitr and Idi  Qurban  an average family might have seventy to eighty people visiting them a day, not including the children who come around in the early morning for sweets!
Navruz is national holiday As we know one of the national holidays of our country is Navruz. Every year from the 21st till 22nd of March all tajik people celebrate Navruz holiday.
Navruz is one of the oldest Holiday of Tajikistan. It symbolizes the coming of the spring. We can say that the nature is wake up from its sleep. From this day the night and day become equal. The word “Navruz” consist of two Tajik words, which is: ”Nav”-new and “Ruz”-day. So they means new day. Also from the beginning of Navruz, people begin their work in farms. 
Navruz is one of the oldest Holiday of Tajikistan. It symbolizes the coming of the spring. We can say that the nature is wake up from its sleep. From this day the night and day become equal. The word “Navruz” consist of two tajik words, which are: ”Nav”-new and “Ruz”-day. So they means new day. Also from the beginning of Navruz, people begin their work in farms.
The meaning of Navruz: The meaning of Navruz Thus Navruz is the beginning of the new year, of the new wonderful life, of the new believes and new happiness. In this year in our town there are a lot of interesting competitions and measures
Traditions in Navruz:  Usually the family celebrate it with national food which called Sumanak. Sumanak cooks from night till morning. Each member of the family must combine it no less than ones. Navruz can not be imagined without Sumanak. What is Sumanak?

Sumanak is traditional food of Tajik people which cooked only in Navruz. Sumanak is cooked from wheat. It is difficult to cook Sumanak lonely. It is usually cooked with neighbor co-workers etc. Many people come together to cook Sumanak and cooking Sumanak takes long time. During cooking people do some interesting activities such as dancing, singing etc..
Here is a link for  how Tajik people meet Nawruz:




Some fruits,vegetables and nut which are found in Tajikistan